Place and Time: The North Shore
By John Meader and Shawn Burke, ©2023
This is the second video in our Place and Time series. This exploration of Massachusetts' North Shore, from Plum Island to Cape Ann, unites still images taken by John Meader with sound recordings made by Shawn Burke. The photographs and sound recordings were made on September 27, 2022. The audio editing was done by Shawn Burke and the compiling of images into the video sequence united with the edited audio was done by John Meader.
Place and Time, Portland, Maine
By John Meader and Shawn Burke, ©2020.
In November 2019, John and Shawn met in Portland at Becky’s Diner for breakfast, the start of a day of recording sounds and photographing scenes. The aim was to create a audio-visual exploration of the greater Portland waterfront. We have found that the combination of sound clips combined with still images creates a powerful expression of moments in time. There is no video footage here, the only visual motion is the use of the “Ken Burns Effect” which is a panning within a still frame, this accentuates details within a photograph and invites the viewer to look more closely. The sound recordings were made while the photographs were taken, they are of the same moments in time.
Perspectives 2
By Shawn Burke and John Meader, ©2021
Shawn revisited the music for the 2017 Perspectives Photo show of John’s at the Curtis Memorial Library. Shawn reworked, remixed, and remastered the soundtrack with the added skills he’s acquired since the initial recordings. John then edited the video montage of photographs to more closely match the newly remixed soundtrack. Giving us this amazing new version found above, Perspectives 2.
By John Meader and Shawn Burke, © 2020
August 11, 2017 marked the opening of John Meader’s “Perspectives” photography exhibition. That Spring John asked Shawn Burke to compose music to accompany the opening. This video captures the flavor of opening night: A series of John’s photos along with musical excerpts from Shawn’s album.
3 Minutes with a Maine Guide
This is a new collaborative video series by John, his son Ben, and friend Lisa DeHart. The idea is to produce of series of roughly 3 minute videos on wilderness/outdoors skills presented by various Registered Maine Guides. We’ll have a playlist of skills (videos) for each featured guide. Our first guide is Lisa DeHart. To learn more and see the videos visit our YouTube Channel: “3 Minutes with a Maine Guide.”
Peepers and Venus
By John Meader, © 2020
A Serenade of peepers while searching for Venus. This little video was inspired by a friend and planetarium colleague, April Whitt, who wanted to know what peepers sounded like. So on May 21, 2020, I went to my night sky viewing site on the grounds of the Goodwill-Hinckley School in Hinckley, Maine and made this recording. Peepers are amazing little tiny frogs with large voices.
This is a series of videos called Constellation Charades for grades 4-8 and Constellation Mysteries for grades 1-3. Each video leads students through an art activity in which they will draw a constellation without knowing which one it is. Part of the mystery is to see if the students can guess the constellation before it's completed. John will lead this activity that will also include some interesting facts and trivia about the constellation and the stars that comprise it.
This is meant to be an activity where the viewer is actively taking part by drawing along with John, pausing the video as need be to complete the drawing.
This is an ongoing series and new constellations will be added to the current set every couple of weeks. Produced by John Meader and Northern Stars Planetarium, © 2020