
From the moment I heard the Rolling Stone’s “Satisfaction” on the radio, it was all over.  As a kid growing up in Central Maine the lyrics didn’t draw me in.  It was the sound of Keith Richards’ guitar that blew me away.  Sublime distortion and resonance atop a killer hook.  Music became a near obsession, then an identity.  It has since evolved into a creative and philosophical outlet. 

In 2001 I was introduced to my first Digital Audio Workstation.  A software package running on a laptop, along with an inexpensive MIDI keyboard, democratized music creation.  After ineffectually pushing around notes in a sequencer window for a few months it all came together at a Moby concert when I realized, “I can do this, too.”  Add in a few odds and ends of recording gear and the rest is history.

Rock, blues, funk, jazz, roots music, African rhythms, and the myriad flavors of electronica are ingredients in a lively and ever-evolving gumbo.  As are the sounds around us all day long; they contain no story but can connect with us as deeply as music.  Corny as it might sound, my playlist is life.

One of the great blessings of my life was meeting John Meader.  From at least high school we listened to music together, exchanging albums and pouring through record store racks.  Then I went off to become an engineer, and he went off to become a folklorist and astronomer.  We have continued to share a passion for music and the arts.  And for canoeing; don’t forget canoeing!  Through the years our lives periodically intersect, and each time it’s like we’re picking up the conversation from where we last left off.  I’m excited about this latest intersection – embodied in this website – and I look forward to sharing with you examples of my creative work and interests along with collaborative works with John.